Lynnethia Bennett - Dallas County Circuit Clerk

Welcome to the website of the Dallas County Circuit Clerk’s Office. Here you will find a wealth of information to assist in your dealings with Civil and District Court. In addition to general information about the operation of the Clerk’s offices, you will find frequently used forms, fee schedules and information. We also provide answers to a number of frequently asked questions and links to other web sites of interest.

In Dallas County, the Circuit Court Clerk is charged with the responsibility of maintaining not only the records of the seven courts but also is the Absentee Election Manager. Among the types of cases heard by the Courts are contract disputes, civil torts, condemnations, worker’s compensation claims, domestic matters, child support matters, juvenile and criminal matters all under the purview of the Circuit Clerk.

The mission of the Circuit Clerk’s Office is to diligently and professionally serve the needs of the citizens of Dallas County, Alabama, the Courts and the legal community.

Lynnethia Bennett is the Circuit Clerk for Dallas County, Alabama.